5 things hotel owners don't want tenants to know

You should not arrive late to check in, and need to flush the toilet when you first check in because there may be uninvited "guests" coming, these are secrets that few hotel owners want tenants to know.

Below are 5 secrets revealed by travel experts from UK-based consulting company eShores about things that most hotel owners don't want their tenants to know and how to avoid them.

Interior of a 5-star hotel room. Photo: Rvbangarang

The kettle is not regularly cleaned

Many items in hotel rooms will be cleaned and cleaned daily by room service. But the kettle is not. Experts warn visitors to never use kettles before thoroughly checking the inside to see if they are clean, free of mold, and even sniff for unpleasant odors.

The items in the mini bar are not 100% clean.

According to experts, minibars are also not considered clean and absolutely safe. A hotel employee in the UK said he once encountered a case where a customer urinated into a water bottle in the minibar.

You may lose your room if you arrive too late

You may lose your room if you check in too late. Many hotel receptionists have admitted that many budget accommodation establishments deliberately sell more rooms than they have to maximize profits based on the assumption that some guests will cancel their rooms or not show up. last minute.

Experts say if the hotel has too many guests that day, they can transfer you to a nearby hotel and pay for the taxi. This may not affect your finances, but it can cause inconvenience because you have to move around or the new hotel is not as satisfactory as the hotel you originally booked.

So please make sure to be on time to check in.

Wardrobes and nightstand drawers may not be clean

Room service will be responsible for cleaning toilets, floors, vacuuming, and changing sheets. But they easily miss surfaces like the inside of a closet or bedside drawers. If you intend to leave personal items in these locations, you should use an antibacterial spray or towel (disposable towel soaked in alcohol) to clean the above locations.

There may be scary things lurking under chairs and toilets

If you're flying to a hot climate, hotel staff have a word of advice: always flush the toilet when you first enter the room. This also applies to each time you go out and return to your room.

"Warm spots, toilets and under chairs, are the perfect hiding places for creepy crawlies and spiders," say experts from eShores.

The interior of the toilet of a 5-star hotel. Photo: Pinterest

Hotel for people who have trouble sleeping
Hotel mattresses in New York, USA, emit gentle sounds and movements to lull you to sleep, while in the Maldives, guests receive nutritional advice to have a good night's sleep. 

10 'top hotels in Vietnam' 2023
Ho Chi Minh City has the most hotels honored as "Vietnam's top" by the World Travel Awards (WTA) 2023, followed by Hue and Hanoi. 

Bangkok is an Asian destination with many of the world's best hotels
In the list of the 50 best hotels in the world 2023 voted by 50 Best, Bangkok has 4 honored hotels, on par with Paris and London. 

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