Inside the largest aquarium in the Middle East

UAE National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi is 9,000 m2 wide, home to more than 46,000 creatures, many of which are very rare in the region.

If you are a lover of wild nature, you cannot miss the National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi which opened last week. There are currently more than 46,000 creatures of 330 different species, many of which are not common in the Middle East such as puffins, bull sharks and capybaras... On the picture are tourists watching Clown fish are swimming.

Currently, the largest aquarium in the Middle East is raising 200 sharks and rays. Visitors can go through giant tunnels, feeling like they are surrounded by divers and tens of thousands of sea creatures.

Not only does it help restore turtles, the National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi also preserves turtledoves, provides a natural environment for many other bird species or expands space for many wild animals to move and live. living.
The aquarium space is divided into 10 different areas, each with its own theme and creating different types of habitats. Not only does it help restore turtle species, this place also preserves blackbirds, provides a natural environment for many other bird species or expands space for many wild animals to move and live.

The 10 areas of the National Aquarium include: Natural treasures; Red Sea; Atlantic Cave; Underground area; Ring of Fire; Magic Ocean; The ocean freezes; Mangroves; Bu Tinah Island and Rear Hall.
In addition to being a habitat for many marine creatures, the aquarium is also home to Super Snake (pictured) - a 14-year-old female python with a length of 7 m and is considered the largest python in the world.

Young guests are building a model volcano - an activity for visitors that is part of the aquarium's interactive project, helping guests understand more about the formation of islands. According to Paul Hamilton, director and project leader of the National Aquarium, this giant structure was built to represent the heritage of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reflecting the strong bond between people. people and wild life.

Aquarium staff depicted Arab fishermen collecting pearls in traditional costumes and tools.

Jellyfish with transparent bodies are swimming in their chambers, reflecting the surrounding colored lights to create a magical scene.

Entrance tickets cost from 105 Dhs (273 USD), if going to special areas and participating in games, visitors must pay extra. The National Aquarium is currently open 10am - 8pm (Sunday to Wednesday), 10am - 10pm (Thursday to Saturday). Travelers over 16 years old must have a Covid green card and a PCR test result no older than 96 hours.
The project is located in the Al Qana area, near Al Maqtaa. In the near future, many new items may be added such as cinemas, restaurants, cafes, game areas...

Website of Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations
License number: 169 / GP-TTĐT, dated October 31, 2017
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