OpenAI and Google sign a letter of commitment to building AI for humanity

Many large technology companies such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Meta signed a letter committing to building AI for the future of humanity.

The letter was initiated by Ron Conway, founder of SV Angel investment fund, who has invested capital in many famous startups in Silicon Valley. After a day of posting and calling, by March 4, the letter received 165 signatures from leading technology businesses, including Meta, Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Saleforce, Y Combinator.

In the letter, Conway mentioned the application of artificial intelligence in a number of fields today and affirmed that the purpose of AI is to help humans develop more than before. He assessed that this technology has both good and bad sides, but expected the impact of AI to be similar to previous inventions such as the printer, internal combustion engine, electricity and the Internet.

Sam Altman, co-founder and former CEO of OpenAI. Photo: TechCrunch

"The balance between good and bad impacts will be established through our actions and care as actors," the letter said, calling on companies to take shared responsibility in make choices that maximize the benefits of AI and minimize the risks for today and future generations.

However, the letter was judged to not list specific actions to achieve the goal. In addition, in the appeal on X, the author did not mention Elon Musk, even though this billionaire is one of the most influential people in the field of AI.

The letter was released just a few days after OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was involved in a lawsuit with Elon Musk, related to the company's mission. In the March 2 lawsuit, Musk's lawyers argued that OpenAI's focus on making money violated the terms of establishing a non-profit laboratory to develop artificial intelligence "for profit." benefit of humanity". Instead, the company is "controlled and serves the interests of a small number of corporations, like Microsoft."

Sharing on _ _ _ quality of human life.

Last year, Altman and more than 350 AI experts also signed a letter from the Center for AI Safety, calling for reducing the risk of extinction from artificial intelligence to be a global priority.

Website of Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations
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