Instructions on how to create VPS on the latest google cloud

How to create VPS on google Cloud is currently receiving a lot of attention from users. Because Google is a large virtualized ecosystem like Amazon that is growing and expanding day by day. The use of VPS is only one of the very small sections that google launches but the benefits are really not small. Therefore, in this article, Long Van will guide you how to create VPS on google cloud of high quality.

1. Create VPS Linux on google Cloud
To proceed, on the Google Cloud Platform Dashboard, go to Computer Engine -> VM Instances. You will then be redirected to the VPS configuration interface and there will be some parameters you need to consider as follows.

+ Name: Hostname of VPS
+ Zone: Having the right to choose to create VPS in the EU, US, or Asia at will and your choice of using VPS in any zone will affect the amount you need to spend monthly. However, among them VPS in the US is the cheapest.
+ Machine Type: Select CPU, RAM for VPS. Usually you should only use 1GB RAM if your usage is not very much.
+ Boot Disk: You choose the operating system for VPS, usually using Ubuntu 16.10 and using a SSD disk capacity of about 15GB.
+ FireWall: You should configure a firewall with the Port and HTTPS open for VPS. Select Allow HTTP / HTTPS traffic.

All the rest you should leave the default and with this configuration, when used within 24 months you will lose about nearly $ 300 that google has promoted when creating google cloud.

Creating VPS successfully, you only need to care about External IP (IP Public) and this is the IP used to access VPS from the Internet. What to do when all of the above is done, google will provide users with 2 ways to access the VPS.

Scaling with the power of Google Cloud Platform
Building and hosting backend for your mobile application on Google Cloud Platform.

The reason this method works
The Google Cloud Platform allows you to build, test, and deploy applications on Google's reliable and highly scalable infrastructure. Cloud Platform provides computing, storage and application services for your web, mobile and backend solutions. With Google Cloud Platform, you harness the global network of managed services to deliver high uptime and optimal local network performance. You only pay for the services you use and as your user base grows, the Google Cloud Platform will manage that development for you. By reducing storage and management costs, you can focus on what you do best: delivering a great app experience.

main function

Running on Google's infrastructure. Building on the same infrastructure allows Google to return billions of search results in milliseconds, serve 6 billion hours of YouTube video each month, and provide 425 million Gmail users with memory.

Focus on your product. Quickly develop, deploy, and iterate your application without worrying about system administration. Google manages your applications, databases, and servers, so you don't have to do that.

Combining services. The Google Cloud Platform has all the services your application architecture needs, including virtual machines, managed platforms, blob memory, block memory, NoSQL databases, MySQL databases, and distributed Big data.

Scaling to millions of users. Applications hosted on Cloud Platform can automatically scale to handle the most demanding workloads on the Internet scale and scale down as traffic decreases. You only pay for what you use.

Based on performance. Every millisecond latency matters. Google's computer infrastructure provides you with consistent CPU, memory and disk performance. Cache servers at the edge of our network and networks respond to users around the world quickly.

Get the support you need. With our worldwide user community, partner ecosystem and special support packages, Google provides a full range of resources to help you get started and grow.

Two ways to access VPS from google cloud
Two ways that google cloud allows you to access VPS are as follows:

Access VPS by web Browser
The easiest way is that you click on the words SSH then Open in browser window, after successful access, you only need to type the command to install the VPS configuration is complete.

For this way, it is somewhat inconvenient in that you need to log in to Google Cloud Platform to access VPS.

Access VPS with SSH Key
To do this, you need to create an SSH key for VPS and 2 necessary tools to support that implementation: Putty and Puttygen.

- First, create an SSH key with Puttygen first then click on the Generate button.

After finishing SSH Key in the Comment key, you need to add the following content.

+ Key: this is the Public Key and you need to copy this encrypted string to give to Google
+ Key comment: You use the user that you registered to access VPS and google always use your email address as a direct user and the rest is External IP of VPS.

+ Key Passphrase: You can create more secure and can not create it.

Finally, you save the Private Key by pressing the Save Private key button to use for Putty.

Next, you copy the Public key to Google Cloud. To do that, go to Metadata -> SSH key -> Edit. Click Add Item, paste the Public key then save and then the key addition process on google.

Return to the PC, open the Putty section to enter parameters.
+ Hostname or ip address: External IP of VPS
+ Go to Auth, select the newly created Private key Test.ppk and click Open button to connect SSH.
+ Black screen appears and you enter the user is finished.

* Note: VPS of Google Cloud or Amazone AWS is that you will not be able to use the root account and when done you need to add the sudo command before each command.

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