Whatsapp is what and interesting things about Whatsapp application

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Have you ever heard of Whatsapp? Perhaps not many people know about this application because it has not really developed in Vietnam. But Whatsapp is "storming" in the world. So what is Whatsapp? Let's answer questions through this article.

What is Whatsapp?

Whatsapp is a free messaging app for smart mobile phones. Instead of sending messages through carriers, Whatsapp allows you to send messages, photos, audio or video over the internet. Whatsapp at first glance is no different from normal messaging services but the key point of Whatsapp is that it is based on internet. This gives Whatsapp a much lower cost than other messaging services. Whatsapp's customer segment is primarily focused on teenagers with features like group chat, voice messages or location sharing.

The development of Whatsapp

You may not know what Whatsapp is but it is extremely popular in the world. According to reports, in January 2015, Whatsapp reached about 700 million users and became one of the largest online messaging apps in the world. Founded in 2009 by former Yahoo employees, Whatsapp from a small startup has grown rapidly with about 250,000 users after only a few months of birth. Whatsapp's growth is so fast that this app has to charge users a year to reduce this growth. In 2014, when they understood what Whatsapp was and realized the potential of Whatsapp, Facebook bought the app.

How to use Whatsapp

To use Whatsapp, you must first have a smartphone or tablet, a phone sim and the internet. Whatsapp will use your phone number as a fixed account. Therefore, even if you change to other devices, all your information and data will always be updated by this phone number. To use Whatsapp, you only need to pay about 0.99 € per year from the second use year. During the first year of use, you get full services for free. In January 2015, Whatsapp also updated a plugin on Google Chrome to make it accessible through computers.

Some features of Whatsapp

As mentioned in the What's Whatsapp section, the first feature of Whatsapp is that users can share their current location with friends via messaging. They can also organize their friends list and then quickly send messages to multiple people at the same time via chat groups. And perhaps the best feature of Whatsapp is that it allows you to contact your friends anywhere in the world without having to pay for international texting or phone calls like other messaging services.

Some conditions of use on Whatsapp

To be able to use Whatsapp effectively, you must understand what Whatsapp is and the terms and conditions of this application. First, Whatsapp only allows people aged 16 and over to use the service. In addition, once you have signed up for Whatsapp, this app will automatically update your information and any other user will be able to see your activities, photos and status. If you don't want many people to see your personal information, consider changing your privacy function. You can do this by going to Menu Button> Settings> Account> Privacy and adjusting the function from Everyone (Public) to My Contacts or Nobody (Private).

So we have shared with you some basic information about Whatsapp. It is possible that through this article, you do not understand everything about Whatsapp but we believe that you more or less know what Whatsapp is. If you have any interesting information about Whatsapp, do not hesitate to share with us.

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